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Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign "I AM PAYING ATTENTION"

On 24 March 2017, OKTA officially launched the national campaign "I AM PAYING ATTENTION", which aims to raise awareness of road safety. Through ongoing activities, the company is working to promote greater social awareness of personal and collective safety on the road. In this way, we are contributing to the creation of a sustainable culture for safer roads, because we firmly believe that we can achieve our goal of reducing the number of traffic offences and accidents that we see every day.

Within the framework of the "I AM PAYING ATTENTION" campaign, the following activities were carried out: 

  • During 2017, in cooperation with Ministry of the Interior, who unreservedly joined the campaign, each month was dedicated to a part of the most common traffic problems, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, the use of protective helmets for motorcyclists, the use of seat belts for car drivers, the respect of speed limits indicated by traffic signs, the use of child seats, and the appropriate winter equipment. Several public figures took part in the monthly activities to help us extend our mission and reach as many people as possible with the message of road safety. 
  • By donating educational traffic tests in primary schools throughout the country, special training, interesting colouring books with informative content about traffic rules, an organised show for children about traffic safety, the campaign also included the youngest road users. 
  • In 2018, OKTA divided reflective pendants for greater safety in traffic for all first-graders in Skopje. This activity covered almost 7,000 children from 76 primary schools.
  • In 2019, were created and published through social media in total seven videos dealing with the most common causes of everyday traffic accidents. The goal was to inform viewers about the dangers created by disobeying traffic rules, as well as to encourage greater vigilance among all road users. 
  • OKTA donated mechanisms for regulating the operation of the traffic lights that are placed at the intersections of several boulevards in Skopje, with the help of which pedestrians can activate the turning on of the green light and thus cross the boulevards more safely. The mechanisms are placed on roads with a high frequency of vehicles, where it is necessary to increase the safety of pedestrians. 
  • In 2021, OKTA donated 50 devices for sound signaling at pedestrian crossings of the City of Skopje. This donation aims to support visually impaired people for their easier participation in traffic.

In 2017, the "I AM PAYING ATTENTION" campaign was declared the best national socially responsible practice at the annual event organised by the Coordinating Body for Corporate Social Responsibility and the Ministry of Economy. The campaign was presented as the most effective and comprehensive in terms of the issues it addresses. I ATTENTION was selected in competition with 15 large companies with a total of 24 projects.

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